Representative Population Survey: Pesticides

Representative Population Survey: Pesticides

Main Interest |

On behalf of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), SINE conducted a representative public survey concerning pesticide residues in food.  The project was realized by SINE in cooperation with Hopp & Partner, an institute from Berlin specialized in communications research.


SINE-Mandate |

Tasks managed by SINE included:

  • Developing a questionnaire for a representative public survey (N = 1000)
  • Identifying knowledge concerning specific usage as well as the information behavior of the public via a telephone survey (CATI)
  • Formulating recommendations in regard to adequate public risk communication in the field of pesticide residues
  • Presentation of results in an interim and final report


Methods |

A mix of different methods was used including:

  • Representative public survey via CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)
  • Content analysis


Results |

The results can be obtained via the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). For further information please contact: Dr. Kerstin Dressel


Responsible | Dr. Kerstin Dressel (project leader), Dr. Stefan Böschen, Dr. Michael Schneider, Monika Wastian, Dr. Willy Viehöver