Evalution of the Project “Gesundheit in der Sozialen Stadt” in District Ramersdorf/Berg am Laim

Evalution of the Project “Gesundheit in der Sozialen Stadt” in District Ramersdorf/Berg am Laim

Client: MAG’S Münchner Aktionswerkstatt Gesundheit (2012)| Area: Health Research, Evaluation & Accompanying Research

Main Interest |

The project “Gesundheit in der Sozialen Stadt“ in district Rammersdorf / Berg am Laim aims to pick up, encourage and connect existing approaches in the field of “health and equality of opportunities” in the district, with other projects. The project “Kooperationen – Bereich Ernährung” started in January 2011 and was finished in 2013. Leading partner of the project was the Münchner Aktionswerkstadt G´sundheit – MAG´s.


SINE-Mandate |

Subject of the evaluation are the ten targets, which have been defined by the Referat für Gesundheit und Umwelt for the project “Kooperation – Bereich Ernährung”.

In the context of the evaluation, it was the responsibility of SINE to assist the implementation of the self-evaluation (by MAG´s), the development of criteria and indicators as well as summarising the data, collected by MAG´s in a report.

For further information about the project please visit the following link: http://www.mags-muenchen.de/


Responsible | Dr. Marion Müller, Prof. Dr. Patricia Pfeil